• Michelle

    After interviewing 118 women across the U.S., I was astounded at how many women were struggling in middle age with their finances, hence, I decided to train as a certified money coach to understand and help them. I'm so pleased with the amount of women I've been privileged to assist.


    My life's work spans coaching, consulting, writing, presentations and workshop facilitation. I help clients identify their unique talent to fulfill their life's purpose, addressing financial impediments. My approach incorporates multiple intelligences; EQ, spiritual intelligence, whole-person leadership, neuroscience and the integration of career and family.


    I'm the co-author of The Orange Line: A Woman's Guide to Integrating Career, Family & Life a book based on 118 interviews of college educated women across the USA. This pioneering study outlines the limitations of the 'feminine filter' and the skills, behavior and agency women require to enjoy a fulfilling career and personal life. It was during this project I learned of the financial difficulties and conflicted beliefs' many women have concerning money and finance. This prompted my curiosity to qualify as a certified money behavior coach.


    "One of my goal is to raise the collective consciousness about 'financial filters' and the 'feminine filter' that limits personal growth and balanced

    whole-person leadership. I find helping others to find meaning and contribute their unique and best self a fabulously rewarding life endeavor."

    "There is enough, I am enough."


    Michelle & Linda Galvan

    Michelle's Money Story

    In this video Linda Galvan interviews Michelle about her money story. and how this has influenced her .and the coaching she does.

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    Certified Money Coach (CMC)®

    Michelle is a Certified Money Coach®. She holds a M. Management and B.Ed.St., Monash University, Australia and Certificate Welfare Studies (Counseling) from the Institute of Social Welfare. While holding SVP and VP roles in the U.S. she completed the Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School. She co-authored the book and study, The Orange Line: A Woman's Guide to Integrating Career & Family. Prior to this she held senior roles in the finance and University sector and ran her own business for a decade. She is Chief Strategy Officer and Board Member of Peace Through Commerce, Treasurer of eChange Endeavors and Women's Advisor for Braid Theory braidtheory.com.

    Michelle is a Shakti Leadership fellow.

    Michelle & Graeme Bowman

    People's behavior around money can affect many aspects of their life, especially career, relationships and motivation. In this interview Graeme asks why and how coaching helps?